Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Tutorial 4

Heya! Well how bout this photo shop guys? I’m so used to doing it at home... I don’t know which version this is but let me tell you, the one I have is waaay easier. On this one, all the tools are hiding and you can’t get them to do what you want. Like there’s this doo wacky I use at home to like sorta blur the edge of the photo but when I go to blur it in this one, it insists on blurring the photos to the point where my friends and I look like something out of a horror movie... but hey maybe some people like that kind of look WHO KNOWS. So I’m having a little trouble, I just want to make it look cool. So if any of you guys have some helpful hints or have found anything worth sharing, please don’t hesitate.

So this is my first photo... it’s a little bit blue... and we look a little bit scary... haha stop looking at it. I couldn’t find anything to do to it that wouldn’t deform it lol. I started getting frustrated towards the end huh. And the sucky thing is that you can only undo a certain amount... so if you go crazy with it and forget to undo it at a certain point, you’re stuck with it and have to start all over again. ARRRGGG not cool guys. I had to start again like 5 times! You think I would have learned my lesson the first time... (-_-‘) That’s me annoyed with a little bit of sweat on my forehead lol. I’m going to try and make a cool one next lesson... it will probably be pink this time haha. byebye

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