Habbo hotel is a virtual world where you can choose what you want to look like. It's a big hotel made up of heaps of rooms, including clubs and bars etc. You walk around and you can talk to different people and make friends. It's like a 3D meeting space. Sound pretty cool? well it's not haha.
So I went onto the site thinking it should be pretty fun... maybe it would have been if I could have signed up and logged in. Signing up is free which is always good but trying to find a name for myself was a dilemma. Every name under the sun was taken... even mine, Jenniline. I mean c'mon who has that name lol. So I tried Jlin.. taken.. J-lin, -Jenniline-, Jlin, Jenni, -Jenni- and many others but to my dismay they were all taken. I ended up with J-e-n-n-i which was ok. So after all that I got to choose a character... you didnt get to choose what it wore you just had to pick from random images. I sat there clicking for the next image for ages trying to find one... whilst waiting for it to load ARRRGGG. I had one page left to complete of like the 5 steps. Suprise! it didnt load! so i went back to the home page and tried to log in anyway. No luck. I did the process all over again... and again. Until it finally logged me on. Then it said I had to install software to run it, some ActiveX or something. Loading it reset the whole computer and as a result I wasnt able to log into other sites for some reason and my S key on the keyboard stopped working. So I changed computers. I thought ok now I will be able to log in and do this. But no it didn't work. In the end I decided to just give up. I had Habbo along time ago so I knew what it was like anyway. But when I signed up last time I didn't have so much trouble. But I will stop complaining now and actually do the tutorial task.
I think 3D worlds aren't as good as something simple like MSN. This is becuase with 3D worlds everything takes ages to load and it harder to have a conversation. You don't know who these people in Habbo land are and for all you know they could turn out to be crazy stalkers or something haha it happens guys. As you have read it is alot harder to get into and becuase there is so much to load so there is more chance of errors with your computer. With Msn it is simple, there are no dramas to sign up... none that I have found anyway, and you know who you are talking to... most of the time. It is much more private and it is easier to have a conversation because of the way it is set out. 3D worlds are cool in the way you can be an actual person and walk around but MSN has web cam so you can actually see the real person. I think 3D worlds discourage people to go out into the real world and socialize.
Wednesday, April 25, 2007
Tuesday, April 10, 2007
Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Anywho I was playing around with the colour of the photo and I was making it look a little yellowish to make it look old... and then i was like hey, it would be pretty cool to make it look like a postage stamp. Yes my brother is only worth 50c lol no it just looked cooler than having $1.00 on there. But I think it looks pretty good compared to like my last one which looked like something out of space invaders... and no i havn't seen that movie... there is a movie called space invaders right? haha. Well I think my stamp is cool and I would definetly put it on my envelope.
By the way... if you're wondering what that thingo is on the left side of my page, it's just something I added to my blog. It's the latest news articles and stuff. I though some of the articles were relevant to the subject because they were related to new technologies etc. So if you want to check them out go for it! Have a good one guys!
Tuesday, April 3, 2007
Wow it’s already week six, how fast did that go! I thought uni was going to be all work but it’s turned out to be awesome! I’m really getting used to this whole blog thing too. It’s interesting to read about other people’s experiences at uni. Reading some of your blogs has really helped me to understand the subject more. Like I totally didn’t get some parts in last week’s lecture (like the movie) but now I’m a little more confident. Um this blog was really meant for week four, but since we had that scavenger hunt thingo I didn’t get to post it, so I thought I would post it today.
Since I blabbed on the other week about the readings, I thought I might talk about the lecture this time. I found the lecture really interesting! I’m particularly fascinated by the way communication technology worked during the war. The ‘enigma’ was another invention which I never knew existed! The German’s gained so much power through having it, so much so the Polish practically went into hiding. The codes were made so complicated that it would take a team of geniuses (including Alan Turnin) to crack it. It was like a mission impossible for the Polish... they had 48 hours to crack each code and they couldn’t make one mistake!
This ‘enigma’ eventually led to the creation of smarter bombs which leads me back to what I was saying in my other blog (about technology not always being a good thing). Although, it was brought to my attention the other day that communication technology did help heaps of people as well? I will have to do some research on it and get back to ya! Chow
Since I blabbed on the other week about the readings, I thought I might talk about the lecture this time. I found the lecture really interesting! I’m particularly fascinated by the way communication technology worked during the war. The ‘enigma’ was another invention which I never knew existed! The German’s gained so much power through having it, so much so the Polish practically went into hiding. The codes were made so complicated that it would take a team of geniuses (including Alan Turnin) to crack it. It was like a mission impossible for the Polish... they had 48 hours to crack each code and they couldn’t make one mistake!
This ‘enigma’ eventually led to the creation of smarter bombs which leads me back to what I was saying in my other blog (about technology not always being a good thing). Although, it was brought to my attention the other day that communication technology did help heaps of people as well? I will have to do some research on it and get back to ya! Chow
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