Wednesday, April 4, 2007

Happy Easter everyone! We all know what that means... HOLIDAYS wooohooo! can't wait. So this is my next creation with photo shop! I think I will make it my Australain picture! I'm pretty proud of it actually :o) This is my older brother... he's an aeronautical engineer in the Royal Australian Air Force. This is a photo of him when he was in training at the Australian Defence Force Academy. He's like the star child of the family. I'm the so called 'naughty middle child'... and you will kno what i'm talking about all you middle childeren out there. lol. I don't think i'm that bad. I always told my brother that when he was rich that i would live of him in a granny flat in his backyard HAHA. But look where I am now UNIVERSITY. So know i can live in my own grannyflat hehe.

Anywho I was playing around with the colour of the photo and I was making it look a little yellowish to make it look old... and then i was like hey, it would be pretty cool to make it look like a postage stamp. Yes my brother is only worth 50c lol no it just looked cooler than having $1.00 on there. But I think it looks pretty good compared to like my last one which looked like something out of space invaders... and no i havn't seen that movie... there is a movie called space invaders right? haha. Well I think my stamp is cool and I would definetly put it on my envelope.

By the way... if you're wondering what that thingo is on the left side of my page, it's just something I added to my blog. It's the latest news articles and stuff. I though some of the articles were relevant to the subject because they were related to new technologies etc. So if you want to check them out go for it! Have a good one guys!

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