Wednesday, May 30, 2007

Goodbye new comm tech!

Hi everyone! (except fraser)

Well this is it! Again, I really can't believe how fast this semester has gone. When I first started typing these blogs I was likke hmmmm what to write??? And know I can't stop talking lol. So this semester of uni for me has been really fun! I have met heaps of new friends and had an awesome time whilst knowing i'm setting myself up for the career I want. Uni is way overated by so many people! It's not just about staying up until four in the morning finishing assignments. You have so much more free time to do the things that you want.

So NEW COMMUNICATION TECHNOLOGY... this subject has been pretty breezy! It was good to have a subject that was a little more laid back in comparison to *politics.* I liked this subject for the reason that it was more personal. With the blogs we could express our opinions and talk about the suject and our experiences. It makes you realize everyone is in the same boat and if you have a problem... there is someone else who probably has that problem aswell. I have enjoyed writing blogs and have also had fun playing with photoshop. I found some awesome ways to change the features in photos and create them in a way which reflects a certain theme.

The essay was helpful as it taught me more about the subject and i'm also hoping that it will come in handy during the exam. I will be really PO if I get the questions about Turing wrong haha. The lectures were.... ok. lol. Some were pretty interesting like the one where we watched the movie on war. The movie's were really STRANGE! Alphaville and La Jette were among the weirdest movie I have ever seen. I didnt know what the point of them was until I looked into them a little further. Existenz was a little gory for my liking but I still didnt mind it. There was a part where I jumped out of my seat and i had to look around to see if anyone noticed how lame I was hahaha. I'm not a fan of scary movies... even though I dont think it was meant to be a scary movie. The movies made me think about the future of technology, the state of the world, time travel, utopia and dystopia and new innovations.

Overall I liked the subject and enjoyed most of the tasks and lectures. I'm just a little freaked out by the exam tommorrow... worth 50% ahhh. I'm hoping I do well. I hope everyone has a great mid-break! See you next semester!!!

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